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Installation Guide - SunriseOBM - Unix / Linux

FREE one Month No Obligation Trial

System Requirement

    Download Sunrise Online Backup Manager - A full-featured backup software for servers (Linux / Unix Server, SQL Server, Exchange Server, Oracle, Lotus or MySQL)

Get Started - Linux
  1. Download the setup file above

  2. Unpack the install file to /usr/local/obm

    mkdir /usr/local/obm
    cd /usr/local/obm
    gunzip obm-nix.tar.gz
    tar -xf obm-nix.tar

  3. Install SunriseOBM

    ./bin/ >install.log

    All installation information can be found in the file "install.log"

    The backup scheduler and autoupgrade services are automatically installed. Backup sets can now run at their scheduled times automatically. *

  4. Please go to X Window or command line mode to continue installation.

Get Started - Solaris
  1. Download the setup file above

  2. Unpack the install file to /usr/local/obm

    mkdir /usr/local/obm
    cd /usr/local/obm
    gunzip obm-nix.tar.gz
    tar -xf obm-nix.tar

  3. Remove bundled jvm

    rm -rf /usr/local/obm/jvm

  4. Install J2SE Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.4.x or later to /usr/java

  5. Create a symbolic link for JRE

    ln -s /usr/java /usr/local/obm/jvm

  6. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable

    JAVA_HOME=/usr/java; export JAVA_HOME

  7. Install SunriseOBM

    ./bin/ >install.log

    All installation information can be found in the file "install.log"

    The backup scheduler and autoupgrade services are automatically installed. Backup sets can now run at their scheduled times automatically. *

  8. Please go to X Window or command line mode to continue installation.

Get Started - BSD
  1. Download the setup file above

  2. Unpack the install file to /usr/local/obm

    mkdir /usr/local/obm
    cd /usr/local/obm
    gunzip obm-nix.tar.gz
    tar -xf obm-nix.tar

  3. Remove bundled jvm

    rm -rf /usr/local/obm/jvm

  4. Download J2SE Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.4.x or later

    Depending on your platform and BSD release, download the corresponding JRE and dependant packages.
    For example, we are using FreeBSD 6.1 i386 for installation:

    Download javavmwrapper-2.3.tbz and diablo-jre-freebsd5.i386. in the following links.  (See package dependancy of your machine)

  5. Install J2SE Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.4.x or later to /usr/local/diablo-jre1.5.0

    Use following command to install package
    pkg_add javavmwrapper-2.3.tbz
    pkg_add diablo-jre-freebsd5.i386.

  6. Create a symbolic link for JRE

    ln -s /usr/local/diablo-jre1.5.0 /usr/local/obm/jvm

    If you are using csh as your shell, you need to type "rehash" and hit enter to make the symbolic link take effect. For other shell types it should work.

    setenv JAVA_HOME /usr/local/obm/jvm

  7. Verify the installed JRE

    $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -version

    See if the output does not contain warning

    With warning

    Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM warning: Can't detect initial thread stack location java version "1.4.2_12"
    Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.2_12-b03)
    Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.2_12-b03, mixed mode)

    Without warning

    java version "1.5.0"
    Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build diablo-1.5.0-b01)
    Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build diablo-1.5.0_07-b01, mixed mode)

  8. Install SunriseOBM

    ./bin/ >install.log

    All installation information can be found in the file "install.log" *

  9. Install the backup scheduler and autoupgrade services

    Add two entries to system file /etc/rc.conf for auto starting backup scheduler and autoupgrade agent.


    Restart computer or run the following scripts

    /usr/local/etc/rc.d/obmscheduler start &
    /usr/local/etc/rc.d/obmaua start &

  10. Please go to X Window or command line mode to continue installation.

Get Started - X Window Mode
  1. Set the DISPLAY environment variables

    Linux / Unix (sh, bash): DISPLAY=IP_ADDRESS_OF_XTERMINAL[:0.0]; export DISPLAY

    For example

        DISPLAY=:0.0; export DISPLAY
    or DISPLAY=; export DISPLAY
    or DISPLAY=; export DISPLAY
    or DISPLAY=; export DISPLAY
    or DISPLAY=; export DISPLAY


    For example

        setenv DISPLAY :0.0
    or setenv DISPLAY
    or setenv DISPLAY
    or setenv DISPLAY
    or setenv DISPLAY

  2. Run Sunrise Online Backup Manager

    sh /usr/local/obm/bin/ &

  3. (optional) Enter the backup server name in the [Address] field and press the [Next] button.

  4. If you are using a proxy server to access the internet, please fill in the [Proxy setting] section and press the [Next] button.

  5. If you don't have a backup account, register a trial user by the following steps

    1. Enter the [Login Name], [Password] and [Confirm Password] of your choice
    2. Enter your [Email] in the text field provided
    3. Press the [Submit] button
    4. You should be logged to the backup server already (if the [Login Name] of your choice is already taken by another user, try a different login name)
  6. If you have a backup account already, select [already a user?] and logon to the server with your existing username and password.

  7. If this is your first time logging into the server, you will be guided to create a backup set

    1. Enter a backup set name of your choice in the [Name] field, choose the type of backup set in the [Type] field and then press [Next] button.
    2. Select the files that you want to backup and press the [Next] button.
    3. Setup the backup schedule by pressing the [Add] button (please note that you can add multiple backup schedules to a backup set)
    4. Setup the encryption setting for your backup set (if you don't know much about encryption, just accept the default values here)
    5. Press the [OK] button to complete the configuration of backup set
  8. To run a backup immediately, click [Backup] button on the left panel, select the backup set and press [OK] button.

  9. Setup completed.

  10. To restore your files, please do the following steps

    1. Click [Restore] button on the left panel
    2. Select the backup set containing the files you want to restore and then press [Next] button.
    3. Select all files that you want to restore using the file explorer on the right panel.
    4. If you want to restore your files to a folder other than the original folder, please make changes to the [Restore files to] section.
    5. Press the [Start Restore] button.
Get Started - Command Line Mode
  1. Use the web interface to add, update and remove backup sets
    1. If you want to update a backup set, make changes to a backup set and press the [Update] button
    2. If you want to add a new backup set, click the [Add] link
    3. If you want to remove a backup set, Select the backup set to be remove and click the [Remove] link
  2. Using Backup Configurator

    sh /usr/local/obm/bin/

  3. Enter your Login Name, Password, Backup Server URL and proxy setting as shown below

    Login Name: userXXX
    Password: *******************
    Backup Server URL:
    Which Protocol ? (1) Http (2) Https : 1
    Use proxy ? (Y)es or (N)o : Y
    Proxy Type ? (1) Http/Https Proxy (2) SOCKS : 1
    Enter proxy server :
    Enter proxy port : xxx
    Enter proxy username (optional) : administrator
    Enter proxy password (optional) : *******************

  4. If you have created a new backup set using the web interface, you set the encrypting key, the encrypting algorithm and the encrypting mode of this backup set by following instructions below.

    Important: You cannot change these parameters once they are set

    Found new backup set 'xxx'
    Please enter the following values for this backup set:

    Encrypting Algorithm ?
    (1) Twofish (2) AES (3) Triple DES (4) No encryption : 1
    Encrypting Key: *******************
    Re-Enter Encrypting Key: *******************
    Encrypting Mode ? (1) ECB (2) CBC : 1
    Run scheduled backup on this computer ? (Y)es or (N)o : Y

  5. If you want to make any changes to the setting above, you can use the main menu below to do so.

    Main Menu:
    (1). List Backup Setting
    (2). Change Password
    (3). Change Network Setting
    (4). Change run scheduled backup setting
    (5). Toggle Masked Field (Password, Encryption Key)
    (6). Generate Configuration Report (text format)
    (7). Quit

    Your Choice:

  6. You can then run a backup by executing the command below.

    sh /usr/local/obm/bin/ [BACKUP_SET]

    where [BACKUP_SET] is the name of backup set to be run

  7. Setup completed.

  1. Run the uninstall scripts

    sh /usr/local/obm/bin/

    Removing Scheduler from service using script name obmscheduler
    Using init script path /etc/init.d
    Using run level script path /etc/rc.d
    Removing symbolic link from run levels
    Removing script file obmscheduler from /etc/init.d
    Shutting down AutoUpdateAgent
    Waiting 5 seconds for AutoUpdateAgent to clean up
    Removing AutoUpdateAgent from service using script name
    Using init script path /etc/init.d
    Using run level script path /etc/rc.d
    Removing symbolic link from run levels
    Removing script file obmaua from /etc/init.d
    Online Backup Manager uninstall service is complete!
    It is now safe to remove files from /usr/local/obm

  2. Remove installed files and all application data

    rm -rf /usr/local/obm
    rm -rf ~/.obm

  3. Uninstall completed.

* The backup scheduler and autoupgrade services are verified to install successfully on Solaris, FreeBSD and all major Linux distributions. If these services for other platforms cannot be installed, please refer to the specific OS manual for further information.

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